Khichdi - The Holistic Superfood -

Khichdi - The Holistic Superfood

Khichdi, also known as khichuri/khichri is an integral part of Indian cuisine for centuries, and still, it has hardly changed. Khichdi is India’s favorite comfort food. Also referred to as the queen of all foods, it’s unofficially declared as the national food of India. 

It is a mix of lentils and rice and the connection this blend has established with the people across age groups and demographics is very strong.
Khichdi is a perfect detox food, it is light on the gut and frequently prescribed as a nourishing food. Mothers prefer to feed their babies Khichdi as it is the easiest and most balanced food to digest, and it is even offered as prasada (blessings from god) to devotees. Khichri is a good mix of proteins, calcium, carbohydrates and fibre.
To immerse you in the history of Khichdi, this wonderful dish dates back to the Indian subcontinent as far back as 1350. In the Mughal era, the cooks of the royal kitchen gave it a regal feel while travellers like Jean Baptiste reserved a special mention for Khichdi in their travelogue. 

The word “bhat” has a very rich significance in many Indo-Aryan languages, and means boiled rice. In Ayurveda, Khichdi is recommended as the best light diet for all the tri Vata, doshas, and Kapha.

Khichdi the holistic and wholesome superfood


    A Delicious and Hearty Meal with all nutrition intact! was started with a motto to make food that is high on taste and kind to the gut. Our ready to eat Khichdi(s) have great taste that will take you down memory lane of how mom served 'Simply Delicious' khichdi on various occasions! 

    Our Khichdi consumed with traditional accompaniments (papad, chutney, curd, pickle) and a dollop of ghee help assimilate and absorb variety of nutrients in our body. We make sure our Khichdi is high quality and leads to  -

    1. Happy Digestive system 
    2. High Energy
    3. Immunity and  better sleep 

    We make sure that our dishes are cooked slowly, in small batches using the traditional cooking approach. This retains Khichdi’s nutrients and moisture so that you don’t need any extra oil to moisturize the food.

    We chose to work with khichdi and not biryani or rajma chawal because khichdi is a powerhouse of nutrients, it stimulates the digestive enzymes leading to improved immunity levels. We make sure that through our recipes, you can relish the goodness of varied millets along with a delectable taste.

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